Geoff Turner joined Bluesky Strategy Group following an extensive career as a seasoned political advisor in the Ontario government. His experiences include senior roles in social policy and finance, stakeholder relations, and legislative and communications support – all in high-pressure, front-page environments. His connections to Parliament Hill also run deep, where he enjoys a good reputation as an effective advocate. He is a regular media commentator on federal politics and public issues and recently served as the President of the Canadian Club of Ottawa during their 120th season.
Geoff leads an active government relations, strategic communications and policy analysis practice, working with a broad array of clients from major Canadian sectors. His particular areas of public affairs engagement include multi-billion-dollar clean transition projects, responsible mining and critical mineral supply chains, Indigenous economic reconciliation, as well as health and financial sectors. In addition, Geoff provides clients with thoughtful communications advice and services with a focus on key message development, awareness and thought leadership campaigns, public communications strategy and execution and presentation coaching.