Leah came to Bluesky Strategy Group with a deep understanding of exactly how to turn good policy into great legislation. Her wealth of experience comes after holding key legislative and strategic communications positions on Parliament Hill, including her most recent role as Senior Advisor, Parliamentary Affairs in the Opposition House Leader’s Office.
With a vast knowledge of parliamentary procedure and the integrated legislative process, Leah offers Bluesky clients deep insight, navigating the various opportunities and paths to have input and impact on policymaking and legislation.
Off the Hill, Leah has been an active political organizer holding key positions in national and local election campaigns. She is also experienced in developing strategic communications including speech writing for former Conservative Leader, Hon. Erin O’Toole, as well as media announcements, video scripts, and press releases.
Growing up in Cookstown outside Barrie, Ontario, Leah moved to Ottawa and attended Carleton University earning an Honours degree in Political Science, with a minor in Law.